Database Consultant Services

Making your data performant, secure, stable, and available to you 24 hours a day!

databases can be used in almost any context

Protecting Your Investment in Databases

Our consultants and contractors have many years of hands-on experience working with various SQL Server databases, in all kinds of environments: onsite, remote, and cloud databases! We know and understand the value that a database has for your organization - it likely contains data that may be quite vital to how well you can carry out your mission, so our consultants treat every database we work on with the same respect, confidentiality and care as you would expect your own employees to take with your data. Not only that, we are keenly aware that database changes have the potential for causing disruption to users and customers, so our policy is to always commit changes in a manner that allows us to roll back a change quickly without loss of data. At the same time, our goal is to ensure that you can capture better value for your data than you did in the past, enabling you to achieve your objectives and targeted goals sooner than otherwise.

Adding Value Through Improved Database Performance

Our work often requires us to take a close look at the architecture of a database, including low level objects within the database such as in-memory tables, stored procedures and their triggers, as well as any user defined functions therein. This includes drilling down to data types within individual fields in tables, and their relationships to other tables, and properties such as indexing and keys, as we know that design decisions on such properties can have a massive impact on query execution times. Furthermore, the context within which the database is being used can have a significant effect on its performance as well, so we always pay attention to how close the data is to its users in terms of the environment the database is housed in, whether it is used to drive a web app or a dynamic website, as well as the server and network layers that it is part of. All of this work is part of our philosophy in delivering top quality database service to your organization.

Better databases through better functionality

Often clients ask us to achieve certain capabilities that did not previously exist in a database, usually in an effort to boost operational efficiency, or new reports for users and management, as well as better monitoring and operational readiness and awareness of the changing data landscape. Our consultants are able to work with your team to prioritize tasks and set goals together to ensure that any new functionality added into the database or its surrounding app architecture meets your requirements. As part of that process, our consultants can work with you on many facets of the project, including the ones listed below:

  • Data analysis including sources of the data and potential gaps in the data.
  • Technical requirements and write-up of specifications for the requested functionality.
  • Mapping out a project plan that adheres to established SDLC principles to develop the new functionality on time and on budget.
  • Impact analysis of the proposed changes and feasibility studies as needed to address concerns of affected stakeholders.
  • Using agile or waterfall development methodologies, or possibly a combination thereof, to ensure that the changes to the database or its build-out will result in steady and measurable progress to achieve the milestones laid out in the project plan.
  • Dev testing and user acceptance testing (UAT) to ensure that the new functionality added to the database meets technical requirements and expectations of users.
  • Our consultants will work with your team to monitor the performance of the database and its ecosystem after the rollout of the new functionality to ensure that it is operating at or above expectations.
  • We always seek rapid remediation of regressions, defects, or unexpected results, if any are discovered after the project is finished. Our goal is to ensure success in every database project, so if something unexpected occurs, we are always ready to jump back in to help!

Which database systems do we provide service for

Our consultants have many years of experience working on the following database systems and architectures:

  • Microsoft SQL Server, including all versions of it published in the last 20 years.
  • Microsoft Azure SQL databases, all versions since year 2017.
  • Microsoft Access databases, all professional desktop versions and office 365 editions published in last 20 years. This includes programming in VBA as well as macros and functions extending across the MS Office apps including Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint.
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) RDS databases, all versions since year 2017.
  • We have worked on various projects involving databases sitting behind SAP, Quickbooks, and other ERP systems.

Types of database projects we do

Our consultants work on many aspects of database projects, regardless of the size or geographic distribution of the data layer itself. Some of the things we do include:

  • Database architecture and design services on new databases or revisions to existing ones.
  • Programming in C#, SQL, VBA, .Net to build new functionality or to update existing code on database connected apps or websites.
  • Legacy database app modernization and migration projects.
  • Conversion of MS Access databases to .Net database apps.
  • Database replication and mirroring projects.
  • ETL projects involving data flowing into and out of a database in multi-system environments, with the option of building direct data links between disparate systems where technically feasible (based on analysis results or studies to determine that).
  • Managed databases - we take care of everything for you so you can focus on business!
  • Building brand new databases and apps from scratch - the sky is the limit!

Ready To Talk Databases With Us?

Please fill out the short form below and we will arrange for a phone call or a video conference with you to discuss your database needs at your convenience, for free up to one hour to start the conversation!

Note: our database services are currently available for US and EU based customers only at this time. Other markets may be added in the future based on demand, and will be noted herein as market conditions evolve.

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