AI Advisory Services

Begin (or continue) your journey into Artificial Intelligence with our help!

artistic image of concept that AI can bring solutions to the world

Find out whether AI is right for your organization

With the recent rise of Artificial intelligence (AI) services and offerings like ChatGPT and the integrated AI tools provided by Google and Microsoft's Bing, not to mention AWS and others, managers are often confused as to how they could benefit from the use of AI at their organizations. We are here to help you sort out the meaningful bits from the noise and public narratives about AI currently dominating the newsfeeds on most media outlets.

When you work with our advisors and consultants, we will start by asking about your goals and reasoning for using AI to carry out your mission, with questions like these:

  • Why do you want to use AI at your company or organization? (Think carefully!)
  • What does AI mean to your business? How would it relate to your mission?
  • Do you have any ideas yet on what AI could or should do for you?
  • Are you aware of its pitfalls and limitations? (Super important!)
  • What expectations do you have for AI and how would you measure whether it is working or not?
  • Do you have a budget for implementing the AI tools you need, and what kind of fiscal results do you seek from the outcome?

Why do we ask these questions?  Simple!  Artificial intelligence is a toolset that can be used in countless different ways, so it makes sense to map out where you stand pre-AI and what you would like to achieve by the post-AI implementation stage. You also want to avoid potential risks it may create. Our consultants will walk you through this process using a step-by-step method we designed to help you set realistic goals and targets for implementing AI in your business operations.

Working with you through the AI implementation process

After we have helped you set a roadmap and targets for the use of AI in your organization, our consultants will work with you to manage the build-out and development of your custom-tailored AI solution and its injection into your business process models. This work is extremely important in order to ensure that your AI implementation costs stay within your budget, and also to ensure that the AI tool you use is effectively and seamlessly made part of our operational model without disruptions. At this stage, some of the things we would do with your team are:

  • Build out an AI project plan and roadmap from concept to launch, inclusive of major milestones and timelines while adhering to the budget set in the previous phase of the AI rollout.
  • Work with your team on the execution of the project, coordinating with the resources and team members assigned to the effort.
  • Monitor and measure the actual impacts of the rollout project while it is being executed, catching any potential diversions from the original plan and advising your managers as developments occur.
  • Enforcing the use of SDLC concepts in the rollout of the AI tools to ensure that defects are avoided and functionality of the AI meets the objectives of the project.

At this stage it is essential that the build-out occurs with minimal disruption to your operations while ensuring accuracy in terms of desired features and functionality of the AI toolset. Our work with your team in this phase will ensure that your AI initiative is in line with budgets and expectations, and on track in terms of schedule!

Guiding you on the post-launch stage of the AI tools

Once you have an AI-based toolset in use at your organization, it is likely that some things will not go as expected, simply because AI itself is evolving and some of its capabilities are not fully compatible with the realities of your day-to-day operations. Furthermore, staff assigned to the use of the AI toolset might need coaching or training to ensure that they can utilize AI correctly within their workflows. Lastly, it makes sense to monitor the impacts of the newly implemented artificial intelligence tools at your organization, not just from a financial standpoint, but also on efficiency and resource utilization as well. To that end, our consultants and advisors will work with you on some of the following items:

  • We work with your team to observe the AI usage patterns and how your staff is able to benefit (or not) from them. Sometimes the results can reveal unexpected outcomes which may yield adverse impacts, so we will work with you on mitigating them!
  • Post-implementation analysis using fiscal and operational criteria as benchmarks, helping you see the real outcome of the AI effort as a whole.
  • Final assessment of long-term impacts and working with your management team on what next steps to take to further capitalize on your investment in AI technologies.

The bottom line that really matters in this phase, wherein your organization is actively using the new AI tools, is to ensure that it is successfully made part of your operations and that it has the acceptance and support of your management team to make it worth the effort. Our consultants will work right with you through this phase to see to it that your dream of using artificial intelligence based tools is giving you the benefits expected from it while keeping your team members actively engaged in the process!

Ready to have a conversation about AI?

We would love to speak with you about your hopes and concerns about using artificial intelligence based tools in your organization!  We can paint a clearer picture of what AI can do for you and your team, as well as show you how to phase in AI with minimal disruption to your existing operations while developing new capabilities that you can access through the use of it.

To begin your next journey into AI tech and tools to grow your business, just fill out the short form below to request scheduling a brief introductory phone call or video call at your place of business, and we will look forward to having a productive discussion together about AI and how it can help you achieve your goals!

Note: our AI related services are currently available for US and EU based customers only at this time. Other markets may be added in the future based on demand, and will be noted herein as market conditions evolve.

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